Let’s get weird.

It’s our second annual Michelin Star: A Service Industry Beauty Pageant

We are currently recruiting volunteers! Send us a message at (504) 864-3942 if you’re interested in competing for the crown!

We use Hot Plates because they have the lowest transaction fees. This website prompts for a tip. Feel free to skip this option. All tips are additional donations to the Innocence Project New Orleans. If you experience any difficulty with the website please text (504) 864-3942 and we will personally take your ticket order.

IPNO frees innocent people sentenced to life in prison and those serving unjust sentences. They support their clients living fully in the world after their release. Wrongful convictions and unjust sentences are rooted in systematic racism. IPNO is on the forefront of correcting these injustices.

Thank you for supporting Innocence Project New Orleans!